Link It Up Wednesday
Welcome back to Link It Up Wednesday! This is a crazy week in my house, my youngest daughter turned 12 on Tuesday, my oldest daughter leaves for France for a few months on Friday, my 18-year-old finishes her school on Friday also, and my husband is giving his notice at work because we are moving to New Hampshire. We have everything nailed down except for a house and that hopefully won’t be too hard to find. We are so excited to move! Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Hello to any newcomers to the link party and thank you to the regulars. I enjoy reading each post. It takes me a while but I do read and pin each and every post.
This Week’s Features
Designing Us shared White Chicken Chili
Satsuma Designs shared a DIY Tutu Easter Basket
The Navage Patch shared an Accent Chair Makeover
Thank you all for sharing your wonderful projects.
Link It Up Wednesday begins at 8 am Pacific time and will close Saturday evening at 8 pm.
A few rules, I’m not picky.
If you have any posts that you would like to dust off and bring back please link them up along with your favorite posts of the week. I welcome other link parties and round-ups as well.
Follow me on any social media of your choice. Of course, I would love it if you subscribed for my newest posts.
If you would be kind to either post a link back somewhere or use my button it would be great but not a requirement.
Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML
Lastly, check out a few other people’s posts that have linked up. Everyone works hard on their posts and loves visits/comments/pins from others.
By linking up you give Ravenwould permission to feature your project on this site,, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Proper credit will be given.
I will pin each link to my Link It Up Wednesday Board on Pinterest.
Let’s grow this party!
I will feature a few posts each week.
Now on to the party!

Wow, what a week for you! Hope you’re able to find the perfect house for your family soon. What an exciting adventure. 🙂 Thanks for hosting this party!
Thank you SO much for featuring my tutu Easter basket! Best, Jen
Thank you for hosting. I shared your party on social media.
Kileen, thank you so much for featuring my chair makeover. Hope you have a fabulous week and find the perfect home for your family! 🙂
Thank you so much for the feature! And France? How scary and exciting at the same time! Exciting for her, scary for mom!
Good Luck with the move and everything. Sending you positive thoughts.
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